We conduct VBS once a year for one week. It is conducted in more than seven places were 2000 to 3000 children gather together. It is the most fun loving and a breakthrough from daily routine of school and homework. We have musical events for students were we teach them full action songs, skits with moral values from the Bible, fun games, make them memorize verses from the Bible and last but not the least we also provide them with refreshments. We involve them with activities and encourage them by distributing prizes and awards, also a feedback form is distributed for our further development.
FLAG Church
5102/1, 1st Floor,
Pyare Lal Road, Opp Khalsa College, KarolBagh,
New Delhi-110005,
Phone: +91 9811273880
+91(11)45667112, 25810716
Email: flagchurch@delhiag.in